Saturday, December 1, 2018

December - Busy Month

December is going to be a very busy month in first grade. We will
be studying winter traditions and enjoying some special activities.
If you or someone in your family wishes to join us, please let me
know.  Remember we welcome guests to share about family

This is the tentative schedule of celebrations we will be studying.
Week of December 3rd - 7th - Hanukkah
Week of December 10th-14th - Kwanzaa and Chinese New Year
Week of December 17th-21st - Christmas and Solstice

Some of the activities we will be completing require materials or supplies.
If you are able to donate any of these items, please let me know.

Thursday, December 13th - BeeTown Celebration  2:45-3:15 PM
We invite families to join us for a celebration of our BeeBot
and community unit.

Needed:  special snack, drinks, paper goods

Tuesday, December 18th - Cookie Decorating,
after lunch time to be determined
We will be decorating cookies for others in our community.  

Needed:  sugar cookies, frosting, sprinkles, other small
decorations, cookie platters, paper plates, plastic knives

Thursday, December 20th - ECO and Solstice Celebration
We will be making gifts for the animals.

Needed:  cheerios, cranberries, bird seed

Friday, December 21st - TENTATIVE - Grinch Day
We will be celebrating kindness and enjoying a Grinch Themed day.
In the afternoon, we will watch the cartoon version of the How the Grinch Stole Christmas and have a special snack.

Needed:  special snack - green or Grinch Theme; paper goods