Schedule Changes
When we returned from Thanksgiving break, we began a implementing a new schedule. Several of our Allied Arts classes needed to be rearranged either in day of the week or time of the day. As with any schedule, changing one time block often impacts several others. We now have Technology on Monday, Guidance on Thursday and Music is Friday morning instead of afternoon. In the larger sense of East Montpelier Elementary School, these are relatively minor changes however the changing of our schedule and routines may be a bit disconcerting to some students. I will continue to adjust our schedule to best meet the needs of all the students.Writing
During writing time we are focusing on writing conventions. Students are expected to use spaces between words, end a sentence with punctuation and to only use capital letters when needed. If your child is writing outside of school, please hold him/her accountable for correct upper and lower case letter use. Writing using capital letters is often a difficult habit to break but it is important that first grade students are able to write using lower case letters with automaticity. If you are interested in the formation and stroke sequence that we are following the documents are linked on our blog. We use the Handwriting Without Tears program. This is the program used in all our classrooms at EMES.
Library Books
Ms Arlyn has asked me to remind everyone to please return library books. With the holiday break and snow day, we have numerous library books that other students are waiting to check out.

On Thursday, members of the Student Leadership Team helped us to learn more about the importance of composting and taught us about composting in the classroom.
Big Buddies
Friday afternoon we meet with our buddies from Ms. Gallagher's 3rd grade. With our buddies, we designed and built lego bridges to cross a "river". We then tested the bridges with books to determine how sturdy they were. We certainly have some budding engineers in our school!