Friday, February 1, 2019

Weekly Wrap-up, February 1, 2019

100s Day

On February 11th we will be celebrating our 100th day of school.  We will be completing all sorts of fun activities related to the number 100 on that day!  Please help your child create a collection with 100 items. Examples of items could be 100 paper clips, 100 stickers, 100 pennies, 100 puzzle pieces, 100 pompoms, etc.  As long as the 100 items fit in a bag (think gallon size plastic bag), the possibilities are endless.

We will also be creating a 100 day snack mix.  If you are able to donate to the snack mix, please send in one box or bag of small “snack” ingredients.  Students will be selecting from the items to create their own unique recipe of 100 items. Some ideas for ingredients include:  raisins, pretzel sticks, chocolate chips, cheerios, animal crackers, mini marshmallows, dried fruit, etc.

If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact me.  Thanks!

Valentine's Day

On Thursday, February 14th, we will be celebrating friendship with a card exchange and a special snack. It is not required that students exchange cards, however, if you child chooses to participate, he/she must have cards for everyone. If you are interested in contributing to the special snack, please let me know.

A list of classmate names was sent home in folders today.

Shoe Tying

Many students are still struggling with tying their shoes. If you child wears tie shoes to school, please help him/her practice tying the shoes. I can help when children are stuck but tying shoes for everyone, takes a lot of time away from teaching.

School Concert

The concert that was rescheduled due to the snow day will be held on Thursday, February 7th. If your child will be picked up by someone attending the concert, please let me know, especially if it is not a person that typical picks them up. There is additional information about the concert in folders. Thank you for being flexible about the scheduling. I know Mrs. Mishkin and the class has been hard at work to prepare for the concert.