One of the learning goals of first grade is to understand that people are both similar and different in many ways. Over the next few months, we will be engaging in two social studies units that address diversity in a very concrete way. The first is a mini unit on losing teeth, the second is a longer study of holiday traditions around the world. Both of these units address individual and family beliefs, I will work to ensure that beliefs are not judged and that all traditions are honored and respected. Please know that sometimes children learn about other traditions and celebrations and want to try them out at home. I will do my best to be sure you are aware of what we are learning and to remind students that these traditions are from other places in the world.

The tooth unit will include some of the traditions that children around the world have when they lose teeth. It will also include literacy, math and science activities.
In December, we will study winter holidays around the world. We will compare and contrast holidays, focusing on similarities and differences. My goal is broaden the awareness of the class around celebrations. I am always impressed with the diversity of celebrations in our local community and feel this unit benefits greatly from community participation. If you or someone in your family would like to visit our classroom to share a winter holiday tradition that you celebrate, please contact me so we can schedule your visit.
If you have any questions or concerns about these upcoming units, please do not hesitate to contact me.