The class has filled 3 chip buckets since the beginning of the year! They are really on a roll and are earning chips for all sorts of positive behaviors.
We have begun to practice Read to Self by getting our books and getting started right away. This is a routine that was introduced in kindergarten and will be extended in first grade. We are also working on rhyming and segmenting words into sounds.
I am in the process of completing beginning of the year literacy assessments. These assessments are both formal "tests" such as reading high frequency words and less formal of skills and habits. I look forward to learning more about each child and his/her strengths over the next few weeks.
Many parents want to know how to support their child's literacy learning. One of the best ways is to read to your child and to talk about the books with them.

The book, Same, Same but Different is one of the anchoring texts for this unit. It is a story of two boys from different places that become pen pals and learn about each other.
Communication Folders
Thank you for doing such an excellent job returning folders to school. It helps to have a place to look for forms and notes. Included in today's folder were 2 important items from the school: an addition to the media release form and a school lunch account statement. There was also a book order. Book orders are optional. If you choose to order, you may order online or using the paper form. Checks should be made payable to Scholastic. Our class code for ordering online is DPB6G.
Orders are due Friday, September 14th.
Orders are due Friday, September 14th.