Friday, September 14, 2018

Weekly Wrap-up, September 14th

This week we have begun to settle into routines and to expand our focus to include more academic skills. The class is beginning to come together as a learning community.  It is wonderful to witness the growth in just a few weeks. 

Classroom expectations

We have "finished" writing our classroom expectations but will continue to model,  practice and revisit the behaviors.  Defining and agreeing on what it means to be responsible was a bit tricky for our class. Responsibility is a very abstract concept for many children.  We somewhat simplified the concept to caring things and doing what you are supposed to do.  We also had a lengthy discussion about how to classify following directions.  In the end, the class decided it could go in all of the categories.

* Be in control (both voice and body)
* KHFOOTY (keep hands, feet and other objects to yourself)

* Whole body listening
* Be nice

* Follow directions
* The 3 Cares from EC0 - care for self, care for others, care for the world

Kids Like Me

What We Wear: Dressing Up Around the WorldIn Discovery, we are learning about community and what it takes to make a community.  One of the enduring understandings is that people/communities have both similarities and differences and that differences are not bad.  We are working to recognize differences and wonder about them.  One of the books we read was almost entirely pictures of children from different countries.  These pictures fostered wonderful discussions.  

During technology, we have been working to learn about others by asking questions and listening.  The students created videos while interviewing their classmates.


Next week we will have our first ECO session of the year.  We will be joined by Carrie Riker from North Branch Nature Center.  If you did not complete the ECO permission slip at Parent Information Night, please do so before Thursday.  Our ECO sessions are twice a month and will typically be Thursday from 9:15-11:30.  We always welcome volunteers to join us.  The main focus of our ECO sessions this year will be patterns in nature, life cycles and plants.  Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.   

Extra Clothing

You may have noticed the beautiful cubbies we have in the hallway outside our classroom.  There is plenty of space on top of or in these cubbies to store extra gear.  As we move into cooler weather it is important that students have outdoor gear and a different set of shoes to wear inside.  If you would like to send in an extra set of clothing or to leave some items at school, you are welcome to do so.