Monday, May 21, 2018

Weekly Update, May 21st


In literacy, we are busy exploring both traditional and fractured fairy tales.  We are enjoying comparing different versions of traditional tales such as The Three Little Pigs, and The Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig.  We are learning about the characteristics of fairy tales such as the traditional beginning, the components of magic, and events happening in 3s or 7s.  We will be using fairy tales to increase our fluency by performing small plays. 

In addition to the plays, we will be exploring engineering concepts by creating solutions for the characters in fairy tales.  We may create a new bed for Goldilocks or a parachute for Jack to help him escape from the giant.   In order to create these inventions, we will be using recyclable materials and likely a lot of tape!  If you have toilet paper tubes, paper towel tubes, cereal boxes or other odd and ends that you would like to donate, we would appreciate them.  We could also use masking tape, duct tape and pipe cleaners.


Thursday, May 24th is the K-3 Concert.  The concert will be held in the gym from 2:00-3:15.  If your child has a change in his/her after school plans for the day, please let me know.  

Friday Folder

Book order - book orders are due Friday, June 1st.  This will be the final book order of the year.  Orders may be placed on-line or by the paper form.  If you choose to order using the paper form, please make the check payable to Scholastic.  

Millstone Field Trip - If you have not returned the permission slip for field trip on June 4th please do so.  We are still in need of chaperones and drivers for this field trip.  

Central Vermont Humane Society Collection - A list of requested items was sent home in folders on Friday.  We will be collecting items this week.