Sunday, May 27, 2018

Weekly News, May 24, 2018


We are continuing our exploration of fairy tales and folk tales.  We are reading both traditional versions of fairy tales as well as "fractured" tales.  Students have also begun to write their own versions of fairy tales.  On Thursday, June 14th we will be holding a "Fairy Tale Festival" from 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM.  At the festival, students will present reader's theaters, their writing and some of the activities related to fairy tales that we have completed. 

At the festival, we will also have a special fairy tale inspired snacks.  If you would like to help in planning the party or in providing snacks, please let me know.   


In Technology we have been working on designing and engineering solutions to challenges using KiBo.  We have been using recycled materials to create attachments for KiBo that are then used to create art work (drawings of shapes).  


During math, we have begun to study coins and their values.  We are working to recognize and learn the value of the penny, nickel, dime, and quarter.  We are practicing count coins and trading coins for coins of equal value.  For example, 2 nickels have the same value as 1 dime.  Concert
The K-3 Music Concert was a wonderful success.  Many of our classmates sang solos.  If you were unable to attend the concert, I've posted the videos on our class SeeSaw account.

U-32 Book Buddies

On Friday morning we met our 7th grade book buddies at U-32 and received the books that they had written for us.  The students played games, read the books and had a special snack.  Everyone seemed to have a wonderful time.  When we returned to school, they continued to be enthralled with the unique books that were written for them.  

Upcoming Events

June 4th - Millstone Field Trip
We will be outside and active for most of the day.  Please be sure your child has appropriate clothing, enough water and sunscreen for the day.  

June 7th - Talent Show
Students that are signed up to participate in the talent show received a permission slip from Mrs. Zeilenga.  There is an afterschool rehearsal and the evening performance.  Questions regarding the talent show should be directed to Mrs. Zeilenga.

June 12th-  Technology Night
This annual event is an opportunity for families to see and participate in technology projects from the year.  There is also an opportunity to be entered into a raffle for wonderful prizes.  

June 14th - Fairy Tale Festival
Our presentation of our learning from our fairy tale unit.  Families are welcome to attend.  The festival is scheduled to begin at 2:00 PM.

June 15th - Field Day
More information about field day and team colors will be sent home 

June 19th - Montshire Field Trip

June 20th - Last Student Day - half day