Friday, September 21, 2018

Weekly Wrap-up, September 21st

Meet Rasheed

We have a new class mascot, Rasheed the Lion.  Rasheed will be helping us to learn about words and how to spell them during our literacy time. Rasheed introduced us to studying names to learn about words.  We have talked about syllables versus sounds (also known as claps versus taps) and used the letters in names to create new words.  The excitement around Rasheed has been wonderful to watch as the class begins to look more closely at words and to make connections between words.  

Rasheed will also be used as a reading buddy and listen to students read throughout the day.  The class is super excited to have Rasheed in our room.  

Classroom Community

We are continuing to work on establishing our classroom community and the expectations surrounding being a first grade learner.  We focused a lot of time on whole body listening and transitions this week.  

Whole body listening is a term that is used throughout the school to indicate that students must listen with a quiet body while looking at the speaker.  They must also be thinking about what the speaker is saying.  This is not an easy skill, however it is an important one.

Transitions are another important part of our day.  We are working to make quick, calm transitions from one activity or area to the next.   The students have decided that it is important to follow directions the first time and to help each other clean up as a way of decreasing the time it takes to be ready. 


Our annual school hike is Thursday, September 27th.  I have not yet received information about student hike placement but I will send it home as soon as I receive it.  If your child is going to require a school lunch on hike day, please let me know by Monday, September 17th.  Bag lunches will only be available if they were requested ahead of time.

PE Lab

On Wednesday, October 10th we will be having our first PE lab of the year.  This is an opportunity for extended outdoor PE activities.  Our class will be travelling by car to the Millstone in Barre and learning how to rock climb.  We will need drivers and chaperones for the field trip.  We will leave school as close to 9 AM as possible and return by 12:40.  More details about what to pack and how to prepare will be sent home next week.  In the meantime, please check your calendar and see if you can join us for this awesome opportunity.


This a group of the children that seems to be hungry most of the day.  We have an official snack time about 10:20 each day.  The children are also allowed to eat breakfast or a snack when they arrive at school.  We do not have an official snack time in the afternoon, however, children may eat during choice time if they are hungry.  Thank you to everyone that has sent in donations to the snack cupboard.  They help for those days when someone is extra hungry or has a spill during snack time.  If you prefer your child not have access to the "extra" snacks, please let me know.