Friday, August 31, 2018

First Week of School 18-19

 We have had a busy first week getting to know each other and learning the expectations of a new classroom.  We are working to build a solid learning community where everyone feels included and valued.  We have begun creating classroom expectations and routines that will guide our community for the rest of the year. 

Our Classroom Expectations (still a work in progress)

Be in control
KHFOOTY (Keep Hands, Feet and Other Objects To Yourself)

Be Kind
Treat others the way you want to be treated

Take care of materials

Classroom Schedule

Our schedule is still evolving as I work with the Learning Center Staff and other support staff to create a schedule that best meets the needs of all the students in first grade.  As the schedule becomes more solidified, I will post it on this blog.  Here is a summary of our daily schedule:
Morning:  morning meeting, literacy, snack, writing
11:40-12:10 Recess
12:10-12:40 Lunch
Afternoon:  related arts, reteach, math, handwriting

ECO will be on Thursday mornings.  I am still working with North Branch Nature Center to establish the dates.  


In the communication folder, you should have received a memo from Superintendent Bill Kimball regarding communication expectations that our district will be following this year.   Throughout the year, I will be using several platforms to communicate with families:  email, blog and SeeSaw.  This blog will be a place to find classroom information, schedules, copies of games that we play and other information.  I will also be using the SeeSaw App to share photos and brief bits of news.  If you have concerns or questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to me.  I am always open to scheduling a meeting or phone conversation.