Friday, March 8, 2019

Weekly Wrap-up, March 8, 2019


We have learned to recognize the value of digits in 2 digit numbers.  We have also learned that 2 digit numbers can be broken apart into tens and ones in various combinations.  These understandings are an important foundation for students as they learn to add and subtract with regrouping.  We are beginning to use this understanding to help us add two 2 digit numbers. 

Next week we will begin to work on comparing 2 digit numbers using the < and  > symbols.  There will be a focus on terms such as more, fewer, greater, less than and the word compare.  When comparing numbers, we will focus first on the tens and then the ones.  This is because the tens have a greater value than the ones.  The language of comparison is typically not difficult to acquire, however the symbols used to note the comparison can be challenging.  I encourage students to remember that the side with the greatest space between it goes towards the larger number.

In math we have also begun to use a format known as Math Menu for our independent work time.  During Math Menu, students are given a "menu" of options to complete during the week.  Some of the options are must dos, others are choices.  This structure builds in choice and allows the students to select activities that they feel they need to do to become better math students.  Currently our must do activities include:  fact practice, math handwriting, and counting practice.  Our choice activities include problem solving and games.  While the students are engaged in menu time, I will be working with small groups of students.  Typically, our menu time will last about 15-20 minutes and will occur 3-4 days a week. 


We have been wrapping up our units on non-fiction reading and writing.  The class has written some wonderful teaching books and are becoming experts in many topics.  Some of their favorite topics include animals and space.  We are now working on being the "Boss of Your Reading".  This means being in control of your reading and noticing when things are not correct.  We talk about triple checking to make sure everything looks right, sounds right and makes sense.  


Now that Winter Wellness has wrapped up, we will be returning to having our ECO sessions.  We currently have ECO scheduled for 2 sessions this month:  Thursday, March 14th and Thursday, March 28th.  Our sessions are from 9:00-11:30 in the morning and we welcome parents to join us.